Terms and Conditions

Artwork & Designs: By submitting an artwork, logo, text or photograph for use in a laser engraving to CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY you certify that you have the right to use the artwork, logo or photographs in your files. You agree not to supply CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY any items consisting of the following: material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability; and any material that could infringe rights of privacy, publicity, copyrights or other intellectual property rights without the permission of the owner of these rights. You accept full legal liability for the content of material processed and printed on your behalf and under your instructions.

Refunds: All sales are final. Please review your order carefully. Since the engraving is built to your specifications, the order cannot be changed, modified or canceled once your order has been placed.

Warranty: CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY’s liability is limited to the cost of the value added by CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY to the part. CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY is not liable for the cost of the customer supplied products/parts or any associated freight cost. Any other warranties express and/or implied are null and void. CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY will reproduce your order if we verify that we made an error (errors may include, but not limited to: spelling different from the design provided by the customer). We must be notified with 24 hours from delivery of any error. We may request that you return 100% of a defective order within 5 business days before we agree to redo your order.

Liability for Errors: CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY is not liable for errors committed by you during the course of personalizing a product. These errors, though not limited to, may be a result of the following: misspelling, bleeds, grammar, punctuation, or image resolution. We are not liable for customer supplied items that may have special coatings, lack of protective coatings, or other materials, known or unknown that may be marred, damaged or destroyed by any and all processes used in the engraving, marking, cutting, cleaning, storage or any other process used in production of a customized item in our possession.

Lead Times: Lead times are estimates and we make every attempt to ship within the time specified

Limitation of Liability: CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY, at its option, shall repair and/or rework defective parts or refund the value-added cost of the purchase price. In no event shall CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY’s liability under any claim exceed the value added of the work performed on the parts by CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY. CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY is not responsible for, and does not insure, customer supplied items or any other objects or tools supplied by the customer and held at CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY’s location from fire, theft, water damage or any other hazards. It is the customer’s responsibility to insure their property while located at CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY.

Force Majeure: In the event of contingencies beyond the reasonable control of CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY, the obligation of CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY shall be suspended, and quantities so affected may be eliminated from the contract without liability. If CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY invokes Force Majeure, CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY shall give prompt notice of, and utilize best efforts to terminate or remove, the CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY conditions.

Waiver and Severability: Failure to enforce any provision of this agreement will not waive that provision nor will any such failure prejudice CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY’s right to enforce that provision in the future.

Termination: CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY reserves the right to modify these Terms from time to time at our sole discretion and without any notice. Changes to our Terms become effective on the date they are posted. Use of service as provided by Custom Crafted Calgary will signify your agreement to be bound by them. CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY reserves the right to cancel this agreement for any reason at any time.

Additional Terms: I further acknowledge that by acknowledging this agreement that I have been given the full opportunity to ask any and all questions which I might have about the obtaining of custom laser engraving and that all of my questions have been answered to my full satisfaction. I specifically acknowledge I have been advised of the facts and matters set forth below and I agree as follows:

  • I acknowledge that I am providing the image that will be laser engraved onto my product and I understand that the quality and characteristics of the laser engraving are limited to the laser engraving machines capabilities. I further agree to accept the risk that the engraving may not be an exact duplicate of the image that I submit. I understand that it is my responsibility to submit an image in the correct format and size, and that a delay or cancellation of my order may occur if I do not submit a qualifying image.
  • I acknowledge that “laser engraving” means that the item’s protective finish will be removed in the area I have selected to be marked with image I’ve provided; and that discoloration/rust may occur over time, due to oxidation.
  • I realize that variations in color and design may exist between any laser engraving as because of various factors including but not limited to product material, engraving size, image detail, and the finish of the product.
  • I understand that if my product has a custom paint job/finish, it may result in adverse changes to my laser engraving.
  • I acknowledge that a laser engraving is a permanent change to my product and that no representations have been made to me as to the ability to later change or remove my laser engraving.
  • I understand that CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY reserves all rights to take and use any photos of my item before and/or after custom work.
  • I acknowledge that I am the owner of the product that is to be engraved; I consent to the laser engraving of my product; and to any actions taken by CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY in order to complete my engraving. This may include, but is not limited to: removing parts or accessories from the product’s current configuration.

I hereby release and forever discharge and hold harmless CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY and all affiliates, Owners, Managers, Employees from any and all claims, damages or legal actions arising from or connected in any way with my laser engraving order, to the fullest extent allowed by the law.

CUSTOM CRAFTED CALGARY Terms & Conditions updated July 1st, 2024.

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